26 November 2020
Online Exhibition
30 November 2020
Thanksgiving turkeys and pumpkin pies are being prepared across the USA this week as Americans gather over the weekend with their loved ones to celebrate the national holiday. I know my American friends here in London are doing the same, wishing that they could be flying back to the States as they usually would, to spend it with their friends and families.
2020 has been a strange year, yet it is during adverse times that we are grateful for the simplest of things. Being with friends and family, even strangers, during a time of celebration feels like luxury in these current times and this weekend we hope that you are fortunate enough to be able to spend some time with those who are dear to you.
We have put together a collection of works to celebrate Thanksgiving, whether they are bustling scenes of harvest, still lives overflowing with food, places we could once easily travel to, all of these works of art are included to inspire joy and gratitude for the world we live in and those artists who bring it to life with their hands and paintbrushes.
Sending all our American clients and friends, wherever you may be in the world, our warmest wishes, from our home to yours to wish you a very Happy Thanksgiving!
May this be a beautiful reminder of the wonderful things in life.