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  • CLARISSA JAMES | Homing In


    29½" x 45" / 75 x 114.5 cms

    Oil on Board


    The cranes featured in Clarissa James’ work are Sandhill Cranes. These cranes winter in New Mexico and arrive in their tens of thousands. In 2015, James had the opportunity to observe them at Bosque del Apache Nature Reserve which is south of Albuquerque. Watching Bosque del Apache’s live stream of the cranes during winter was one of Clarissa James’ lockdown joys whilst she was preparing for exhibitions last year.


    “I have always loved cranes for their elegance and beauty. First, they found their way into my work through Japanese gilt screens and textiles. But visiting them in their world made me fall in love with them.”

    • Inspired by Edward Burne-Jones and the Pre-Raphelites, Clarissa is a classically trained artist with an interest in both the Renaissance and 19th Century techniques of realistic representation. Clarissa is drawn to silence and contemplation and following a trip to the Far East developed a great interest in the simplicity and clarity of Japanese art and design. This combined with her lifelong passions for fabrics, opulent textures and 19th Century aesthetic, results in unique paintings which are rich, meditative and calm. Specific in her craft as an artist, Clarissa grinds her own paints to achieve a more unusual luminosity and texture. Her immaculate use of gold leaf brings a spiritual nature to her work.
    • Free shipping for artworks above £5,000 in the UK. For International customers please contact us for a shipping quote.