ANIVITTI FILIPPO | Fioraia della Scalinata di Trinità dei Monti
Oil on Canvas
15¾" x 17¾" / 40cms x 45cms
Anivitti's oil paintings are rare but executed with excellent technique, using rapid brushstrokes and fresh, vivid colours. This depiction of Trinità dei Monti in Rome captures the beauty of the city with the vibrant flower market being set up in the foreground of the church.
Anivitti Filippo was born in Rome on December 4, 1876 and died in Rome on August 4, 1955. He studied at the Academy of Fine Arts in Rome, with Filippo Prosperi, holder of the chair of figure.
At the beginning of his artistic career he was attracted to divisionism; but it is only a transitory phase, which is nevertheless useful for refining the sensitivity to the chromatic range.
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